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Direct Shear Apparatus

Used to determine the resistance to shearing of all types of soil specimens both consolidated and drained, undisturbed or remoulded samples. 
The machine can accommodate specimens dia. 60, 100 mm, and square 60 x 60, 100 x 100 mm. 
The apparatus is equipped with a control closed loop motor with epicycloid reducers. 
At the beginning of each test, the machine performs an automatic and complete internal check, a position reset with the elimination of all possible positioning errors and all pauses. 
All data are input and stored when the machine is in stand-by, without affecting the specimen under test with quick machine setting. 
Possibility to fix maximum excursion of the shear box, so as to interrupt automatically the test. 
The input of all the test patterns is achieved by the interaction of the keyboard and the alphanumeric display with self-memory, thus granting infinitesimal resolutions in short times. 
It is possible to input a different return speed (residual shear) in relation to the one used for the shear test, thus allowing a quick playback to select the residual shear test, saving a lot of time. 
For determining the direct shear strength of soils on specimen size 60mm x 60mm x 25mm.


Max shear effort: 5000 N possible on the whole speed range
Possibility of direct vertical load, or with a lever arm ratio 10:1
Max vertical direct load: 500N; with lever arm: 5500N
Read value results are immediate and of extreme accuracy
Extremely easy and practical use, not requiring qualified staff.
Shear box, hollow punch, and tamper are not included in the standard supply and have to be ordered separately Power supply: 230 V A.C. Single Phase 50Hz
Display of both speed and displacement with 0.00001 mm resolution
Display and pilot lamps to signal any bad functioning and alarms
Box group mounted on ball track with high-quality antifriction system
Shear speed between 0.00001 to 9.99999 mm/minute

Direct Shear Apparatus

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